Saturday, 31 March 2012

Sun, Sun and more Sun

Pool side.

In one of the towns we visited.

South Of France

My next couple of posts are all going to be photos I took in the South of France :} I went there in summer last year (only just got the photos off my camera) and it was amazing. I recommend it completely. Also, I'll try find the names of the area we stayed and the places we visited.

Friday, 2 March 2012

Harry Potter Generation

Dear Harry
I got away with buckbeek but I wont tell you were incase this falls into bad hans (hands). I sent you that fire bolt. I thort (thought) Ron might like this owl as it was my folt (fault) he lost his Rat. from Serese (Sirius)
I am giving you pomishon (permission) to hogsmeed. I gave you some gold from my volt in greengots.

Why am I not this cute still huh?


Trip To London

I wish the quality wasn't so bad, but these are all taken on my iPhone so yeh. Once I get my camera cable sorted out, I'll take that with me when I go out so I can take nice photos.