Saturday 31 March 2012

Sun, Sun and more Sun

Pool side.

In one of the towns we visited.

South Of France

My next couple of posts are all going to be photos I took in the South of France :} I went there in summer last year (only just got the photos off my camera) and it was amazing. I recommend it completely. Also, I'll try find the names of the area we stayed and the places we visited.

Friday 2 March 2012

Harry Potter Generation

Dear Harry
I got away with buckbeek but I wont tell you were incase this falls into bad hans (hands). I sent you that fire bolt. I thort (thought) Ron might like this owl as it was my folt (fault) he lost his Rat. from Serese (Sirius)
I am giving you pomishon (permission) to hogsmeed. I gave you some gold from my volt in greengots.

Why am I not this cute still huh?


Trip To London

I wish the quality wasn't so bad, but these are all taken on my iPhone so yeh. Once I get my camera cable sorted out, I'll take that with me when I go out so I can take nice photos.